CrossFit KidsCrossFit Kids

CrossFit Kids in Colchester, CT

Get Fit with the CrossFit Kids

CrossFit Kids

At CrossFit Kids, we introduce fitness to kids ages 4-11 as a form of FUN that is both challenging and rewarding. Fun means we provide an active alternative to sedentary pursuits, which means less childhood obesity and all-around better health for our children. Influencing our kids at a young age to be healthy and strong is one of the greatest gifts we can give them. That’s why we take great pride in introducing many Youth individuals to CrossFit.

What to Expect

Our CrossFit Kids program is divided into two age groups:

Fire Breathers – Ages 4-6

Dragons – Ages 7-11

* A child’s advancement from Fire Breathers to Dragons is largely based on skill over age.

Fire Breathers

Our Fire Breathers are the youngest members at CFPG. Fire Breathers engage in fitness through group activities, challenges, and games. Fire Breathers use minimal equipment and focus on building strong cores, healthy movement patterns, and gymnastics skills. They engage in activities to 'feel their hearts beat faster” which is great for burning energy! Although the Fire Breathers are little, they leave CrossFit Playground feeling strong and fast!

Fire Breathers meet Tuesday and Thursdays from 4:30pm - 5:30pm. Memberships and class passes are available. Get in touch for more information.


Our Dragons program is designed to introduce the principles of CrossFit to Kids which includes but is not limited to weightlifting, gymnastics, and metabolic conditioning. Our approach to training becomes a little more advanced, although we still have fun engaging in challenges or games, individually, with a partner, or with a team. Dragons are encouraged to work well with others to reach a common goal. They take on roles in leadership, but also learn to be a team player. They develop confidence, a love for their bodies, and a love for their community. In a world of instant gratification, they learn the benefits of hard work and dedication.

Dragons meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30pm - 6:30pm and Sundays from 9:00am - 10:00am. Memberships and class passes are available. Get in touch for more information.

Safety First

All of our youth programs introduce strength and stability methods that are important for injury prevention. So many sports related injuries are caused by kids playing in unilateral sports at high intensity without first developing the proper strength. Though we design our programs to be a lot of fun, we take the foundation building aspect of strength and conditioning seriously.

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